TARHAN Ailesinin Soy Ağacı

Viyana 8. Dünya Psikiyatri Kongresi Sempozyum Sunumu - Prof. Dr. Nevzat TARHAN

Electrical brain activity following magnetic stimulation as recorded with high-resolution QEEG

Presented in the 8th World Congress of Psychiatry in Vienna in July 2th, 2005.

(A symposium called ‘Brain Stimulation Techniques in Psychiatry and Electrophysiology’. Chair: Bilgen Taneli, Co-chair: Mark George, Other speakers: David Avery, Nevzat Tarhan).
Published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Volume 5-3 (Supplement 1), 2005-July.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan'ın Viyana 8. Dünya Psikiyatri Kongresi Sunumu (PPS Formatında indirmek için tıklayınız.)

Electrical brain activity following magnetic stimulation as recorded with high-resolution QEEG
Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan

  • First TMS capable of delivering a pulse every three seconds (as diagnostic aids for neurologists.)

  • New machines which can give up to 50 stimuli per second (rTMS)

  • A non-invasive technique, free of serious side effects, easily modifying activity of specific brain areas

How does rTMS work for brain electrical activity?

  • rTMS gives short pulses of magnetic energy to Limbic system structures

  • Small electric charges can cause the neurons to fire or to become active

Ilmoniemi et.al.(1997) were able to measure with QEEG just seconds after electromagnetic pulse

  • Nashaat et.al (2001),

  • Nikulin et.al (2003),

  • Kommsi et.al (2004) have used ongoing rTMS and QEEG Monitoring

Brain electrical activity changes with rTMS

  • lAcute rTMS induces changes in regional activity throughout the brain

  • Stimulation intensity is important

  • Low frequency has a tendency to decrease

  • High frequency has a tendency to increase

Resynchronization effects

  • lNormal brain function requires synchronized activity of interconnected brain areas

  • rTMS may help ‘reset’ the normal synchrony between brain regions
    (Garcia-Toro et.al. 2001, Avery 2004)

nt_vienna2GABA and QEEG

    • lGABA increases functional connectivity on QEEG (Benzodiazepine effect)

    • GABA decreases with stress

    • GABA decreases in plasma and in brain (MRS) of depressed patients

    • ECT increases GABA level in depressed patients.

    • rTMS: increase ?

State marker improves after treatment

  • Trait marker doesn’t improve after treatment

‘State markers’ of QEEG being:

  • lRatio of Alpha waves

  • Ratio of Delta waves

  • Hemispheric asymmetry

  • Alpha/Delta ratio of the frontal area

Acute drug effect in QEEG

  • lTricyclic Antidepressant drugs: Alpha, Theta, Delta

  • Antipsychotic drugs :Theta and Delta waves

  • Antianxiety drugs :beta

  • Cognitive activator drugs : Alpha

  • SSRI drugs: Alpha (Itil 1989)

The Response to drug treatment in depression

  • •Delta waves: good response,

  • Alpha and Beta waves: good response,

  • Unchanged QEEG: bad response. (Kendler)

The Distribution of Brain waves in QEEG after 10 sessions of rTMS (preliminary findings)

nt_vienna3According to HAM Scores
HAM Scores and QEEG after 10 sessions of rTMS “An interpretation”

  • lAll patients showed 30-50% treatment response

  • In Alpha increases group, HAM improvement was greater

  • In no changes group, HAM improvement was minimal

  • More verification, and MEG studies, are necessary

Pregnancy and rTMS (Case Study I)

  • lOne case (I.D., 32 years)

  • She had serious non-psychotic Chronic Major Depression.

  • She used antiepileptic and antidepressant drugs.

  • She became pregnant during treatment.

  • She wanted to continue the pregnancy.

Pregnancy and rTMS (Case Study II)

  • lFirstly, we stopped her using the antidepressant drugs

  • We applied 40 sessions of rTMS to her.

  • Every session was 25 Hz. and 1000 pulses.

  • Now, she has a healthy baby.

  • After birth, rTMS was continued.

Frequency of seizures

  • lWe applied rTMS at approximately 15,000 sessions in two years

  • In every session, rTMS was applied at 25 Hz

  • In most cases, 1000 pulses were applied in every session

  • Grandmal seizures were observed only in 3 cases.(3 /15,000)

  • 25 Hz, 1 Pulses, 50% Power

  • 25 Hz, 1 Pulses, 100% Power

  • 25 Hz, 3 Pulses, 100% Power

  • 5 Hz, 10 Pulses, 50% Power, Duration 1.8 sec

  • 5 Hz, 10 Pulses, 75% Power, Duration 1.8 sec

  • 5 Hz, 10 Pulses, 100% Power, Duration 1.8 sec

  • 25 Hz, 50 Pulses, 50% Power, Duration 1.9 sec

  • 25 Hz, 50 Pulses, 75% Power, Duration 1.9 sec

  • 25 Hz, 50 Pulses, 100% Power, Duration 1.9 sec

Scientific Inspiration

  • One day, in 1990 at a London Hospital in an elevator, a passenger was giggling. A magnetic stimulation had been applied to his head. It was a neuro-diagnostic motor test, for thumb jerk

  • Dr. Mark George observed and was astonished by this situation. He suspected that magnetic fields could move much more than the thumb.

  • The story of magnetic therapy in psychiatry started like this.

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