Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was born in Merzifon in 1952, graduated from Kuleli Military High School in 1969 and İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty in 1975. After the GATA internship as well as Cyprus and Bursa military continent service, he became a Psychiatrist in GATA in 1982. He became an assistant professor (1988) and associate professor (1990) in GATA Haydarpaşa after serving as a doctor in Erzincan and Çorlu Hospitals. He served as a clinical director. He became Colonel (1993) and Professor (1996). He was an academic member at Yüzüncü Yıl University and an expert at the Forensic Medicine Institute between the years 1996-1999. He retired at his own will. In 1998, he was the representative of Türkiye in the Memory Center of America. He founded the NPISTANBUL Hospital in 2006 and the Üsküdar University in 2011 by donating all his assets.
Prof. Nevzat Tarhan has transferred his knowledge of psychiatric expertise which he has pursued over the years with great effort and research to approximately 300 research articles of which 125 are indexed in Web of Science. More than 100 books and book chapters. Having 39 Google Scholar h-index and 112 i10 index, Prof. Tarhan’s publications were referred approximately 6000 times. Thanks to his works, he has reached an amount of one million audiences following him in both visual and written media in Türkiye. Some of his books have been translated into Bulgarian, Indonesian, Persian, Albanian, and Azerbaijani languages other than English. (By Nov 2024)
Prof. Tarhan carries out his work with great seriousness and precision. The main factor underlying his diligence and success is his philosophy of life and his supramind (metacognitive, spiritual) perspective. His view of life, which is not limited to the world and covers both the world and after death, stems from the awareness that he is in the presence of his Creator while performing every work. This means that his beliefs based on research, observation, and proof are presented to the readers by taking science in the testimony of the Universe and by establishing the connection with the characteristics of Allah reflected in the Universe. He is one of the rare scientists who succeeded in explaining Religion and Science in a supportive way. In addition to succeeding in reducing the identity of the scientist to his life, he undertakes the duty of carrying, transferring the truths he learned to others.
The source of the foundations of this different perspective is the Quran, which has guided his life since his youth. Like young people who question the meaning and existence of life, he has questioned in his university years, “Incidental Existence, The Meaning of Life, Darwinism, Why there are Evil, The Need for Religion, The Psychology of Believing, Is there Life after Death?, How does one satisfy the Mind and Soul?”, and shared them with his readers by proving explanations from the Qur'an and proving them with scientific researches.
As Tarhan closely observes social life due to being a psychiatrist, he makes an accurate analysis of social life and touches on the importance of "Social Psychology" in every mass media platform.
Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, whose characteristics are not limited to what is written above, has always targeted investment in people and used his material-spiritual resources towards this direction. The majority of society also witnesses all of what he does. He expresses with his actions and deeds that he will maintain the same goals and beliefs until the end of his life.
He donated all of his income to the TARHAN - IDER Foundation of which he is the founder. His books have sold over 1 million copies. He speaks English and German. He is the father of two children. The family tree, dating back to 1400 years, was published in 2017 as a book.
Currently, he is executing the duties by being the president of the Presidency of Üsküdar University and the Supreme Council of Management; moreover, he is leading Türkiye's first neuropsychiatry hospital NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital's Management Board Presidency duties.
Üsküdar University, which Tarhan has founded by donating all of his assets without using any public resources and allocations, continues its activities with more than 24 thousand students as a "brain base" where future Nobel candidate scientists are raised. The University successfully represents our country in the world as the first and only Turkish university to participate in the G20/N20 Summits with the global perspective of Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and his team.
The presentations of the experts of Üsküdar University and NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital, led by Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, in the field of "Computational Psychiatry and Future Perspectives" at the 2020 congress of the American Psychiatry Association (APA), one of the most prestigious psychiatric associations in the world, were determined as one of the 12 courses offered by the APA to its members every month in 2021.
President of the Human Values and Mental Health Foundation TARHAN - IDER Nevzat & Nermin Tarhan,
Presidency of Defenders of Justice Association ASDER, working on human rights,
Happy Home Association, caring for orphans and child protection,
Hold My Hand Association, working on child and teen abuse,
Presidency of Turkish Brain Mapping Association TSBHT,
President General of Turkish Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (TSBMT),
President General of Turkish American Neuropsychiatry Association (TANPA),
President of Middle East Brain Initiative.
- New York Academy of Science - Member 1997
- New York Academia Psychiatry Foundation - Member 2001
- International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP) - Member 2005
- American Psychiatric Association (APA) - Üye 2005
- PsikoHayat Dergisi - Danışma Kurulu Üyesi / PsychoLife - Advisory Board Member 2009
- International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) - Member 2009
- Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi - Danışma Kurulu Üyesi / Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry - Advisory Board Member 2010
- Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) - Member 2013
- The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences-Editör 2014
- Executive Board EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS) - Member 2015
- Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics (SBMT) - Board Member 2015
- International Society For Neurofeedback &Research (ISNR) - Member 2016
- Turkish American Neuropsychiatry Association (TANPA)-President 2017
- ASSAM International Refereed Journal - Editorial Board Member 2018
- Journal of Current Addiction Research - Editor 2018
- European Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) - Member 2018
- American Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience - Editorial Board Member 2018
- Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi - Danışma Kurulu Üyesi 2018
- AIMS Neuroscience - Editorial Board Member 2018
- SSTB International Refereed Academic Journal of Sports, Health and Medical Sciences - Editorial Board Member 2018
- Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology - Editorial Board Member 2018
- New Symposium Editorial Board Member 2020
- Cognitive Neurodynamic - Editorial Board Member 2021
- The International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) - Member 2022
- World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) - Member 2023
- European Psychiatric Association (EPA) - Member 2025
- Best Researcher - Holland, (The Congress of Destructive Drives and Impulse Control), 1991.
- RTUK Best Community Program / Türkiye, (Reasonable Solution Program), 2003.
- For his Psychointerpretation Program at SKY Turk, the Prime Ministry's General Directorate of family and Social Research / Türkiye, (For his Psychointerpretation Program at SKY Turk), 2005.
- Golden Apple / Türkiye, (Amasya Foundation), 2008.
- Patient Safety Good Practice / Türkiye, (OHSAD and Patient Safety Association), 2009.
- Golden Tulip / Türkiye, (Prof. Mumtaz Turhan Social Vocational High School), 2009.
- Congress Ambassador / Canada, (7th ECNS Congress), 2010.
- Presidential Service Prize / Germany, (ECNS/ ISNIP/ ISBET Germany Munich Clinical Neuroscience Congress), 2015.
- Social Responsibility Award in Health / Türkiye, (Health Volunteers and Türkiye Hospital Manager Magazine), 2017.
- Call for World Peace from Universal Brotherhood / Türkiye, (World Brotherhood Union Mawlana Supreme Foundation), 2017.
- Author of the Year / Türkiye, (Istanbul University Students’ Council), 2019.
- 2019 Golden Axon Leadership Award / USA, (Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics), 2019.
- APA 2020 virtual Conference - Course of The Month of 2020-Computational Psychiatry & Future Perspectives / USA, (APA - American Psychiatric Association), 2020.
- Rumi Therapy and Faith in the Laboratory Books Bestseller Award /Indonesia, (Indonesian Neurosurgical Society), 2022.
- With his book “Psychology of Wisdom”, “Golden Author” award in the category of psychology within the scope of Golden Pen Awards / Türkiye, (Book Culture Art Times Journal), 2023.
- Honorary Professorship (Kazakhstan L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University), 2024
- Golden Human Awards, Golden Health Award - Psychiatry, 2024
- Blood and Circulation, 1982
- Stress and Illness, Symposium Booklet, as Editor and Section Author 1989
- Innovations in Psychopharmacology, Symposium Booklet, as Editor and Section Author 1991
- Sertraline Monography (Pfizer Publications), 1992
- Violence (with its Bio-Psycho-Social Aspects) (Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Prof. İbrahim Balcıoğlu), 1998
- Being in Peace with Yourself, 2001
- Psychology of Happiness: Converting Stress to Happiness, 2002
- Psychological Warfare: Grey Propaganda, 2002
- Family School, Reasonable Solution, Family Communication Directory 2004
- Psychology of Women, 2005
- Psychology of Marriage, 2006
- Psychology of Emotions, 2006
- On Life, Joy of Living (Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Dr. Elif Ilgaz), 2008
- Psychology of Belief, 2009
- Society’s Psychology, 2009
- Asymmetric War, Political Psychology, 2010
- Family: The Last Refuge, 2010
- Addiction; Virtual or Real (Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Prof. Serdar Nurmedov), 2011
- Psychology of Values and Man / A Model of Mature Man, 2011
- Bediüzzaman the Conscience of the Age, 2012
- The journey from Mind to Heart, Bediüzzaman Model, 2012
- You, Me and Our Kids, 2012
- Rumi Therapy, 2012 (translated into Bulgarian and English)
- Positive Psychology, 2012
- Yunus Therapy, 2013
- Love Therapy, 2014
- Being a Conscious Family (Turkish), 2015
- Being a Conscious Youth (Turkish), 2015
- Mom, what is a Coup? Psychology of a Coup d’état, 2017
- Faith in the Laboratory, 2018
- Conscious Family, 2019
- Conscious Youth, 2019
- Family Therapy with Mawlana, 2019,
- Social Media Psychology, (Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal), 2021
- Digital Health Literacy, Digital Diseases, and Cyberchondria, (Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal, Yücel Ekinci), 2021
- Psychology of Wisdom – 1, Rational Faith. The Paralogism of Spinoza and the evolution of evolution, 2022
- Psychology of Wisdom – 2, Rational Faith. The Art of Finding the Good, the True and the Beautiful, 2022
- Metaverse, Psychology of Digital Game, (Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal), 2022
- Science of Happiness, 2022
- Historical Adventure of Electroencephalography (Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Prof. Sultan Tarlaci), 2024
- Raising Gender-Friendly Children, 2024
- Gender and Media Perception, (Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal), 2024
- Psychology of Evil and Toxic Relationships, 2024
- Mesnevi Therapy - Rumi Therapy: From Age Of Knowledge To Age Of Wisdom (English, Arabic, Persian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Indonesian, Uzbek, Bosnian)
- Love Therapy (Arabic, Bulgarian, Uzbek, Bosnian)
- Psychology of Faith - Faith in the Laboratory (English, Indonesian)
- Becoming a Conscious Family - Conscious Family (English, Albanian)
- Conscious Youth (English, Albanian, Arabic)
- A Journey form Mind to Heart, Bediuzzzaman's Model - A Journey form Mind to Heart Bediuzzaman's Model (English)
- The Conscience of the Age Bediuzzaman in English - Bediuzzaman: The Conscience of the Age (English)
- Psychology of Happy Marriage (Albanian, Arabic, Kyrgyz, Bosnian)
- Psychology of Happiness and Coping with Stress (Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Bosnian)
- Psychology of Women (English, Azerbaijani, Bosnian)
- Family School and Marriage (Albanian, Arabic)
- Psychological Warfare (Albanian)
- Beautiful Human Model (Azerbaijani, Russian)
- Family Therapy with Mevlana (Indonesian, Uzbek, Bosnian)
- Psychology of Emotions and Emotional Intelligence (Arabic, Azerbaijani, Uzbek)
- Positive Psychology (in Uzbek)
- Addiction: Virtual or Real, Positive Solutions (with Assoc. Prof. Serdar Nurmedov) (English, Albanian)
- Being at Peace with Yourself (in Uzbek)
- You, Me and Our Children (in Uzbek)
- Last Refuge Family (in Uzbek)
- Psychological Warfare, Grey Propaganda (in Uzbek)
- Wisdom Psychology 1-2 (English)
Biographical books written about Tarhan:
- Nevzat Tarhan – 1, The Rhetoric of being from Insurrection to Property, (Leyla Yıldız), 2020
- Nevzat Tarhan – 2, The Rhetoric of being from Insurrection to Property, (Leyla Yıldız), 2020
- A Life Breaking the Mold, (Emre Şimşek, Dr. Tuğba Şimşek), 2023
As of Nov 2024, the number of unique visitors is more than 7 million and actively uses social networks.
(The author donated the copyright of all his books to Tarhan-İDER Foundation.)